
The Selecting and Analysis Method About Armament Research and Development Project Performance Measures

  • 摘要: 对装备研制项目开展绩效评估是查找研制过程和研制结果中的问题与不足、改进项目管理的重要前提。为充分发挥绩效评估在项目管理方面的作用,采用检讨式评估思路,从研制任务完成情况、研制成效情况和研制过程管理情况等三个方面研究选择评估指标,给出了对评估指标的判定方法、基于评估指标结果分析潜在问题的思路,以及改进项目管理的措施建议,对提高绩效评估应用效益具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Armament research and development (R&D) project performance review is an important way to find problems and shortcomings and to improve project management in R&D. In order to explore various effect of performance review in project management, this paper gives a method to select measures from three aspects, including R&D complication degree, R&D achievement and R&D process management. Then, the paper gives assessment method for every measure, and how to analyse potential problems and shortcomings based on the measure results. At last, the paper provides some suggestions to improve project management.


