
Fire Risk Evaluation of Ultra-High-Rise Buildings Based on Game Theory-Attribute Mathematics

  • 摘要: 超高层建筑具有火灾隐患多,救援疏散难等特点,为了能精确评价超高层建筑火灾风险,从防火能力、灭火能力、安全疏散能力和消防管理能力四个方面建立风险评价指标体系,基于博弈论思想对指标进行组合赋权,一定程度上减少了评价的主观性,同时建立属性数学评价模型,解决指标模糊属性的问题,最后以某超高层建筑为例进行验证。结果表明,该建筑火灾风险为一般安全,得出的评价结论与现实情况一致,证明了模型的可靠性与准确性。同时需要对自动喷淋系统、自动报警系统与消火栓系统等方面进行风险排查,降低该建筑火灾风险。


    Abstract:   Ultra-high-rise buildings are characterised by many fire hazards and difficult rescue and evacuation, in order to accurately evaluate the fire risk of ultra-high-rise buildings, a risk evaluation index system is established from four aspects, namely, fire prevention capability, fire extinguishing capability, safety evacuation capability and fire management capability, and the combination of the indicators is empowered based on the idea of game theory, which to a certain extent reduces the subjectivity of the evaluation, and a mathematical evaluationmodel of the attribute is established at the same time, to solve the problem offuzzy attributes of the indicators. The problem of fuzzy attributes, and finally take a super high-rise building as an example for verification. The results showthat the fire risk of the building is general safety, and the evaluation conclusions drawn are consistent with the real situation, proving the reliability and accuracy of the model. Meanwhile, it is necessary to carry out risk investigation on automatic sprinkler system, automatic alarm system and fire hydrant system to reduce the fire risk of this building.


